A little over a year ago I jumped into the Essential Oil world. My parents helped me to get a Starter Kit to Young Living and off I went. This was not a choice that I made spur of the moment. As a matter of fact I researched for MONTHS trying to decide which company that I would join. In the end... I joined Young Living because of the fact that a friend from church was a member and when I became a part of her down line it benefited her as well as myself. To me it felt right to step into this new world with a friend.
Regardless of which company I was going to choose I KNEW I was going to step into oils. I have been fascinated by them since I was in college. But when oils started making a real presence in my life was when I had children. I am the mommy of a child with many severe food allergies. We carry epi-pens and inhalers everywhere we go, because when you have many allergies the whole world can feel like it is dangerous. Our first trip to the hospital for an allergic reaction happened when she was two because of cashews and that was only the start of our road. Cashews seemed like something we could avoid easily enough... but when dairy products, eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts of many different kinds made the list we were starting to get pretty concerned. When Beef caused an anaphylactic response... we were pretty convinced we would never be able to eat in a restaurant again.
Eventually our fears eased and we got pretty good at fielding all of the potential dangers in our life. Luckily in our large and extended family she was NOT the only child with food allergies... and so... we all knew to warn the parents of the children with special food needs. Still our diet was pretty clean. Most of our foods were made at home and a lot of items that others can get from a box... I learned how to make from scratch. But... there were always times things slipped through. And the more that I researched the more I noticed that often an allergic response could actually show up BEHAVIORALLY. Sometimes if something would slip past we would have sensitivity and emotional issues for DAYS. I made mention of this on facebook one day... and a friend said WHOA... wait let me help... and off she sent a sample of oils. This oil was... simply put.. magic. Using the roller bottle on my little one could literally change her emotional direction in a couple of minutes. I truly don't have another word for it... MAGIC. My other daughter has a severe allergy to mosquito bites. It is just awful... and last year... we used oils from my friend to curb the response. Instead of the mild cellulitis spreading from the bite... they were almost immediately smaller and less swollen. I was sold. Last year was the first year that we were not at the doctor on an antibiotic with a steroid because of a stupid bite and it was enough to make me jump.
In the last year I have learned a lot about oils. I have used them to help support the health of my family in ways I never would have imagined when I bought my first bottle of Patchouli oil when I was in my teens. :D I probably will post every now and then about ways that oils help my family. I may post recipes every now and then. I have a page... you can visit and you can order from it. That is NOT what I want this page to be about though.. so while I have a link I will try my hardest to NOT make this page an advertisement. Still.... oils have become a large part of my life. And I am not exaggerating too much when I say that the oils have indeed changed my life. And just a warning I may not be able to curb my enthusiasm when it comes to certain oils or blends.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Mindfulness Thy name is crochet
I struggled with the title... lol Zen and the Art of Crochet kept popping in and I kept refusing it. When I worked at Borders there were at least a dozen different titles with Zen and the Art of....... Truly though for my self I use crochet to help me to find that zen spot. I use it when I need to get in touch and when I particularly need to get in touch with my own sense of self. As I once told you I have been knitting since I was in elementary school.... for me a simple pattern with lots of repeats helps me to settle into a meditative state. snick snick snick the needles go and I let my thoughts wonder and my mind go free. I fall into a zone and sometimes need to be called twice or three times in order to come back from that place. This having been my method of knitting for most of my life I kind of figured that crochet would do the same thing for me. ... a sort of walking meditation. Only I very quickly realized that it wasn't for me.
Crochet takes a conscious effort on my part. I have to be active rather than passive as my work unfolds. Crochet is also the barometer for how I am feeling at the moment.... or sometimes about the thing that keeps popping into my mind as I am working. I find that if I am tense in anyway my stitches get tighter and tighter. As my stitches start to close in on themselves my gauge gets thrown off and the item I am working on will change sizes. This isn't a big issue perhaps on a dish cloth... but it can be on something you want to offer to another as a gift.... or say on that blanket I made for my daughter where the edge closes in and then comes back out and closes in again. Needless to say THAT project stay right here in this house.
During the "dark years" when I had lost all the babies and I had none to hold... I couldn't crochet. I tried. And with in minutes my work would be so tight that I couldn't even get my crochet hook back into the loops. During this time I knit... I knit and I let my thoughts go through me so that I could let them go... because some of the thoughts that come are meant to go THROUGH you not stay with you. Knitting allowed me to do that.
For a long time I thought that I didn't like to crochet because of this... because I had to actively work at getting those stitches down right. With time though I realized that I WANTED to be better at crochet, so I knew I would have to focus my intentions and make it happen. One day at a time... one project at a time... I have worked until my hands can keep an even tension... and my work can be as beautiful as I want it to be. The other day as I sat to crochet I was in a place that was less than ideal and after a few short minutes I realized this and quieted sought that peace in side and let go.... I let go of what I was holding onto so that what NEEDED to come through me could.
As a Spiritualist I have learned Magic Staff of Andrew Jackson Davis. As a Morris Pratt Student I have thought on it long and hard:
Crochet takes a conscious effort on my part. I have to be active rather than passive as my work unfolds. Crochet is also the barometer for how I am feeling at the moment.... or sometimes about the thing that keeps popping into my mind as I am working. I find that if I am tense in anyway my stitches get tighter and tighter. As my stitches start to close in on themselves my gauge gets thrown off and the item I am working on will change sizes. This isn't a big issue perhaps on a dish cloth... but it can be on something you want to offer to another as a gift.... or say on that blanket I made for my daughter where the edge closes in and then comes back out and closes in again. Needless to say THAT project stay right here in this house.
During the "dark years" when I had lost all the babies and I had none to hold... I couldn't crochet. I tried. And with in minutes my work would be so tight that I couldn't even get my crochet hook back into the loops. During this time I knit... I knit and I let my thoughts go through me so that I could let them go... because some of the thoughts that come are meant to go THROUGH you not stay with you. Knitting allowed me to do that.
For a long time I thought that I didn't like to crochet because of this... because I had to actively work at getting those stitches down right. With time though I realized that I WANTED to be better at crochet, so I knew I would have to focus my intentions and make it happen. One day at a time... one project at a time... I have worked until my hands can keep an even tension... and my work can be as beautiful as I want it to be. The other day as I sat to crochet I was in a place that was less than ideal and after a few short minutes I realized this and quieted sought that peace in side and let go.... I let go of what I was holding onto so that what NEEDED to come through me could.
As a Spiritualist I have learned Magic Staff of Andrew Jackson Davis. As a Morris Pratt Student I have thought on it long and hard:
Behold, here is thy Magic Staff,
Under all Circumstances Keep an Even Mind:
Take it, Try it, Walk with it, Talk with it, lean on it
Believe on it forever.
I have looked at these words over and over trying to make them my own in some way. I have taken it tried it and walked with it... and I have seen the physical lesson of it in my crochet. I go to that crochet now... when I need to calm, when I need to summon that even mind. I use the stitches now to find the peace that I need. The lessons that I learned as I focused ACTIVELY on making each crochet stitch even and as I mindfully approached the work perfectly embody what the Magic Staff is saying. And as I sit mindfully working and allowing emotions that make me clench or tighten flow through me and then away from me... I realize that keeping an even mind can at times help me to make more emotionally intelligent decisions. I have come to realize that if I take a step back at times I am able to move forward many more paces than what I could have originally.
So as I work actively to keep even stitches... I work to keep an even mind... and I realize that sometimes we need a moment to knit and let everything just flow through us easily and with no thought.... and sometimes we need to actively work at keeping an even mind. Both are equally as valid... both weave the beautiful fabric of our lives.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
To Channel a Purse
My Grand mother taught me to crochet when I was in highschool. It was an amazing afternoon. The Saturday after Thanksgiving I went and made fruitcakes with her to hand out to family for Christmas. During the cook times... she got out a hook and some yarn and taught me something that she loved. I was a knitter my mom had taught me at an early age.. and it is said that people can do one or the other well, typically not both. My first attempt at crochet was a dish cloth and true to typical first time crochet I made a triangle because I forgot to chain when turning. My mother kept it even though I have since given her much better cloths to use. I suppose now that I have children of my own I understand. I have sitting on my shelf over my sink a couple of pieces of decorated packing peanuts.... and I will keep them until they dissolve because of who they were made by and how proud that little lady was to hand it to me.
My granny passed in September of 2014. It was ... a blow to me. She was 90... I knew it was coming. We all did. But that didn't change the fact that I had somehow convinced myself that she would live forever. and I would have been glad to have it that way. Since she passed my fingers have itched to pick up crochet. I have some nerve issues in my hands... they come and go. Some days I can crochet for hours... some days I can't hold a pen very well. Last Fall those issues hit a pinnacle of suckiness and I could not crochet like I wanted. By spring I was back to mostly normal and able to knit and crochet again THANK GOD... because any one who knows me... knows that is my way of keeping sane.
Our church is having an Auction and as my arms and hands have been pretty good lately... I decided that I would crochet some potholders. But what happened was drastically different than I had expected. I sat down to make potholders and started to hear a little voice in my head telling me that I should do this and this to change the pattern. The next thing I realized is that... this was no longer a pot holder... it was instead a purse, and as I was listening and following the instructions that were being given to me it was unfolding PERFECTLY... not ONE error. You must understand... as much as I love to crochet I still end up with meandering edges and weird shaped stitches. I WANT to be good at it... but... well I certainly am not as good as I would LIKE TO be... until recently. As I follow these whispered instructions I am turning out purses that are perfect without needing to rip it out. The other thing that happened was that... as I was crocheting this purse... a name was given to me... and I knew with no hesitation that the purse was intended to GO TO THAT PERSON. I wanted to rebel... because I was making these things for the church auction... which... I eventually DID do... but I was filled with the certainty that THIS purse was intended for a specific person... with a specific purpose. I mailed the first one to a friend... who wrote back that I had MADE HER DAY... and that getting something like that was EXACTLY what she needed that day as she had just lost a friend. I finished that first purse and sat down to make a potholder. DAMMIT JIM.... I was donating a POTHOLDER. It happened again. This purse was a different pattern... and once again it was "whispered" in my ear and as I followed the instructions that were given a PERFECT purse unfolded. And as that purse unfolded the individual who I was supposed to send the purse to was told to me. INTERESTING this time... it was not a name or a picture of a face like it was the time before... this time it was " Her birthday is next week" And I KNEW... I just KNEW who that was. I finished that purse and then I picked out another yarn and started what I KNEW this time was going to be a purse.... and yet again it was a DIFFERENT PATTERN and Once again it was PERFECTLY executed. This time... I heard... a tsk sound before my name that I knew with out a doubt and " Melissa... your mom is going to love this one." OH Granny... you must be missing crochet is all I can say... because you are working my hands in a CRAZY way. I am mid-crochet on a 4th purse... and this one... is yet again different... and I have no doubt will be PERFECT... and this one is for " the vegetable girl" A person who I knew immediately by the description... and so... as soon as it is finished it will be mailed to said " vegetable girl."
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Art and the pursuit of happiness.
ART: the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power
the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance.
I had an interesting response to something that I posted on facebook the other day. I posted a graphic that said how to be an artist... make art is it awesome is it terrible... make more art you are an artist. I posted it because in my mind it was something that stated a message I think more of us need to hear. That ART is not intended to be perfect... that sometimes what we hate can make a great impact. Tchaikovsky in fact did not consider his most popular piece to be art. The Nutcracker was intended as a bedtime story for his children. Here we are 100 years later and nearly everyone in the world has heard of The Nutcracker. My sister in law has a degree in Art and is an artist by trade.... and she put on that graphic " I don't know whether to be offended by that or not."
My intention was not to offend... but I can see where that might be there. She has worked hard to get that degree and to have someone look at it as less than the hard work that it was probably stings. That said I apologize if any offense was felt. I recognize that feeling when people with out malice say things like " What do you DO all day?" or "Don't you get sick of being with your kids all day long?" or some other similar statement that comes from not understanding what a stay home wife and mother does to make a household work. So I have been on that side of the equation.
Still the questions remain in my head... WHAT is it that decides that it is ART? My children are prodigious producers of ... artwork. Something that I encourage. I find that the craftier they are in a day the less they fight, it is a truly amazing equation. Taryn learns better through songs and drawing... She expresses herself eloquently with pen and paper, At the age of one she drew a skull that even a person who didn't have kids could tell was a skull... and by two you could tell exactly what she was drawing often times. Both girls are extremely musical and often make up their own songs to learn new things with. Ashlynn and Taryn when left to their own devices with craft supplies can come up with AMAZING things.
I myself am a singer. I have been singing since I was young and while I don't make my living doing so I make it a large part of my life. As you can tell I also love to write and I take photos so much my children have adapted to be able to see with permanent flash blind. I also do needlework, often people I love end up with that handiwork as a Christmas or birthday presents. It took years before I looked at that as even in the realm of artwork. To me it has been an expression of self... so necessary that it is almost difficult to separate them from myself. But is it ART?
I suppose it is in a way... I have always called it craft... as if it is somehow different. So let's see if it IS different .....
CRAFT: an activity involving skill in making things by hand.
Well.. that definition certainly leaves a lot to be desired. And it certainly does NOT serve to clarify for me whether art is craft or craft is art. Still... the question remains inside of me. Does then the difference between craft and art mean the difference between its USEFULNESS? Am I simply over thinking things that don't need to be even thought about or considered. Art seems to run the gamut from beautiful to horrifying and everything in between... it also seems to cover every base between useful and useless. I don't guess that I will get the answers by writing about it here. Still... often the writing helps to clarify the thinking.
the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance.
I had an interesting response to something that I posted on facebook the other day. I posted a graphic that said how to be an artist... make art is it awesome is it terrible... make more art you are an artist. I posted it because in my mind it was something that stated a message I think more of us need to hear. That ART is not intended to be perfect... that sometimes what we hate can make a great impact. Tchaikovsky in fact did not consider his most popular piece to be art. The Nutcracker was intended as a bedtime story for his children. Here we are 100 years later and nearly everyone in the world has heard of The Nutcracker. My sister in law has a degree in Art and is an artist by trade.... and she put on that graphic " I don't know whether to be offended by that or not."
My intention was not to offend... but I can see where that might be there. She has worked hard to get that degree and to have someone look at it as less than the hard work that it was probably stings. That said I apologize if any offense was felt. I recognize that feeling when people with out malice say things like " What do you DO all day?" or "Don't you get sick of being with your kids all day long?" or some other similar statement that comes from not understanding what a stay home wife and mother does to make a household work. So I have been on that side of the equation.
Still the questions remain in my head... WHAT is it that decides that it is ART? My children are prodigious producers of ... artwork. Something that I encourage. I find that the craftier they are in a day the less they fight, it is a truly amazing equation. Taryn learns better through songs and drawing... She expresses herself eloquently with pen and paper, At the age of one she drew a skull that even a person who didn't have kids could tell was a skull... and by two you could tell exactly what she was drawing often times. Both girls are extremely musical and often make up their own songs to learn new things with. Ashlynn and Taryn when left to their own devices with craft supplies can come up with AMAZING things.
I myself am a singer. I have been singing since I was young and while I don't make my living doing so I make it a large part of my life. As you can tell I also love to write and I take photos so much my children have adapted to be able to see with permanent flash blind. I also do needlework, often people I love end up with that handiwork as a Christmas or birthday presents. It took years before I looked at that as even in the realm of artwork. To me it has been an expression of self... so necessary that it is almost difficult to separate them from myself. But is it ART?
I suppose it is in a way... I have always called it craft... as if it is somehow different. So let's see if it IS different .....
CRAFT: an activity involving skill in making things by hand.
Well.. that definition certainly leaves a lot to be desired. And it certainly does NOT serve to clarify for me whether art is craft or craft is art. Still... the question remains inside of me. Does then the difference between craft and art mean the difference between its USEFULNESS? Am I simply over thinking things that don't need to be even thought about or considered. Art seems to run the gamut from beautiful to horrifying and everything in between... it also seems to cover every base between useful and useless. I don't guess that I will get the answers by writing about it here. Still... often the writing helps to clarify the thinking.
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