For two years running now I have used my statuses in Facebook in November to list Thirty things that I am grateful for. Each day dwelling on what I am grateful for. I do this for several reasons...
Firstly I have noticed when I am focused on what I am grateful for my life is infinitely more positive. This is because as the Law of Attraction states... Like attracts like. It is true. Take two days to try this experiment on day one go out and smile at every one you see. Catch their eyes and REALLY smile at them. At the end of the day take note of how many people smiled at you... and how your world seems brighter and life seems more exciting and amazing. You will feel so good that you won't WANT to do the second part.... which is the exact opposite. Go out into the world the next day with a scowl... don't meet anyone's eyes and don't smile... not even in response to someone smiling at you. Though take NOTE if someone DOES smile at you.... because there are going to be fewer smiles to count than on your first day. At the end of your day take stock of what your day was like.... were there more snafus and problems? Did your day seem more of a chore and were you just wishing the day would be OVER already? Like attracts like. So if you CONSCIOUSLY decide to approach your day with that smiley grateful attitude it is far more likely your day is going to be wonderful. And I like wonderful days.
Secondly when I am counting my blessings or those things in my life that I am grateful for... it is EASIER for me to have that smiley and positive approach to life. There is no doubt that there are hardships in my life. Every person in the world has them. They are different for all of us.... but no one gets out without SOME hardships. If I am dead broke on one day and look at a rich person with envy.... then I may miss that this person doesn't have any one to SHARE it with. If I am grateful for what I have counting those blessings.... then I don't leave the room for ENVY in my heart. Envy is a negative emotion that can tear your happiness apart. So when there is that moment that you look at another with envy stop ... and look at YOURSELF with gratitude. It will change your world.
Thirdly I never ever ever want to take anything in my life for granted. I have learned some tough lessons about loss.... OR I have learned some valuable lessons about appreciation. I held my daughter for only a few short minutes before she passed to the spirit side of life.... But I held her ( Blessing number one), I have PICTURES of me holding her ( Blessing number two), I resolved that I would NEVER take my children for granted ( Blessing number three), I have an angel sitting on my shoulder whenever I think of her, who is DEEPLY connected to me ( Blessing number four), I learned that what you see in life is a matter of perspective and that perspective can change everything( Blessing number five). I could go on. I truly could. I have worked HARD as counting the blessings that are attached to my oldest daughter.... because if I DON'T count those blessings I can get sucked into the sadness of her not being here. Life is fleeting. You cannot hold on to any one moment for longer than that moment.
There are many many other reasons that I do this. Some of them important some of them not. What is important in this post is that I am saying THANK YOU. To the Spirit that has created this bounty in my life... to the people who are sharing it with me. To the Universe for all that the protons, neutrons, and electrons that make me up have created in my life. Because make no mistake... as a child of God.. and an integral part of the One True Source... I am the creator of my world. So yes I also thank myself for working to make this world what it is for me.
Today I am using my first day of Thanksgiving to speak my gratitude to the universe for My daughter Aislynn. For every lesson that I listed above and more. This amazing spirit who came into my life taught me more about hard decisions than anything in my life before or since. When Dave and I had to make the choice to take her off of life support I remember him tossing himself across my hospital bed and saying " What do we do now? What are we supposed to do?" I answered " We have a funeral." and then I called Silent Unity's prayer center and I asked for the lady on the other end to pray with me. She asked for specifics and I said " My three day old daughter is in the NICU. The doctors have said that there is nothing more that can be done for her. I have to go hold her and have the life support turned off. Please pray with me for the strength to do this, because I don't know how to do this." The lady on the other end burst into tears. She prayed with me... and then Dave and I walked down a hallway holding each other up, to do something we never in a million years had planned on doing when we got pregnant. Every other choice in the world is easy for me after that. Still... I can't look at it as loss. Not now. I did then, and I had no idea how I could see it as anything but a tragedy. But Aislynn Bridgit Haynie is my child, My daughter, a million dreams in one little body. I could not continue to look at my child as a loss or a tragedy. Not and HEAL from that loss. Instead I had to look at her as my child, my baby, my daughter. When I use those words my heart floods with LOVE. THOSE are the words I want associated with my little girl. Those are the memories I want to keep. Always a blessing.... NEVER a loss. ALWAYS a blessing, NEVER a loss. ALWAYS A BLESSING, NEVER a loss. ALWAYS A BLESSING, NEVER A LOSS! Yes there are days that are hard. There are days when I am brought to my KNEES with the grief that I feel. There are empty chairs at Christmas and I always get a tug of greif on those days. I cry sometimes inconsolably on her birthday. And I always will. But on an average day that child who is all Spirit now she lifts me up. She offers me a connection to the One True Source that I grab with elation. Her presence has taught me lessons innumerable and has allowed me endless opportunities to grow. Her life has blessed my own life in ways that I can hardly describe. And so yes she is my first blessing.... my first Thanksgiving in a series of many. Below are the candles that we lit for Aislynn, Aidan, and Rowan Haynie on October 15th.
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