For Day two of my Thirty Days of Thanksgiving... I am going to speak my gratefulness for Aidan Garrett Haynie. Aidan is my second child born live, and my only son. Aidan lived with us a very short time. His date of birth was his only day here on earth. Aidan was tiny and very very early, because of that it was made very clear by the doctors that he was too early to try to save. We knew when labor was unable to be stopped.... that we would not have him long. If at all.
Despite the odds ( doctors did not expect him to be born alive, and even warned me that he was so fragile the very act of being born could tear him apart) Aidan Garrett Haynie was born living and took breath. He was whole and perfect.... he was just very very small. The most miraculous thing about the life of Aidan Garrett.. is that he was held by someone who loved him for every single second of his life. That means a great deal to me as his mummy. He was HELD BY SOMEONE WHO LOVES HIM.... for every single second of his life. There are not many who can say that. There are not many lives so filled with love. He snuggled into my chest and I held pure love for the short time that he was here.
Shortly after Aidan passed my mother had a dream. It was a dream where Aidan was thanking her for keeping him safe because during his transition from physical to angel he was vulnerable.... and in that vulnerable time we kept him safe and cared for him. As she told me this I knew the truth of it. I had been chosen to keep an angel safe as the angel was being born.... and I did that job well. I have never felt such love. It was as if the spirit of that child was too big for that body, and because of that filled the room. It was almost a physical presence: that love, that spirit. I am forever grateful for that opportunity to feel spirit so intensely.
Shortly after my baby passed my mother and I were talking and she told me that there would come a day when I would see my children (Aislynn and Aidan) as blessings. I was beside myself. HOW could she imagine that such a tragedy in my life could be a blessing. And yet. ... yes I have come to see my angels as blessings. So much so that often when people express their condolences I reply with " we have been so blessed." And we have. Yesterday I listed only 5 of the many many blessings that Aislynn has brought into my life, so if you will bear with me I would like to do so for Aidan. You see it was a fluke... an accident actually because my parents had brought my niece to the apple orchard that day, but there was a camera in the room.... and I have photos of me holding my baby. Not just ONE... but many photos of my sweet little boy. He was born at 21 weeks and most mommies with babies born at that age DO NOT have photos. I have his hand prints and his footprints and I have a blanket... but it is the photos that I go to the most. ( blessing one) Aidan Garrett showed me how intense a connection with Spirit can be. He hosted a spirit for a few short moments and filled a room with so much love I cannot forget the feeling of holding him. ( blessing two) Aidan offered me an opportunity to fulfill a greater purpose than I had ever imagined possible when I kept a spirit protected and safe as he was born into angel form. ( Blessing Three) Born alive and whole ( against the odds) he was able to be transferred into my arms and held his whole life with love and comfort. ( blessing four) There are more. So many many more blessings that surrounded his birth. He offered me infinite opportunities to learn and grow, for which I am so very very grateful.
This little man was not a tragedy, though it may have felt that way at the start. No this little man existed for a reason... and I helped him through a transition. I am grateful that I had that opportunity and that I was able to share those blessed moments while he was on earth with him. I am so thankful for my little boy.
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