Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thirty Days of Thanksgiving- Day 17

I am not even sure that I know how to approach today and what I am grateful for. Several towns in my state were hit terribly hard with tornadoes. There are people who are dead.. there are people who have lost everything. The damage that has been inflicted today by mother nature is truly heart wrenching. We are here we are safe... we were not in the damage path but instead just on the outside where we looked outside and looked at storm clouds and hail with wonder.... but did not have any damage. It seems selfish of me today to be grateful for much of anything. A person who didn't watch as mother nature tore her world apart.
A dear friend's family lost EVERYTHING, but she was visiting with family and were not home. Another dear friend lives in the area but were on a trip and were out of danger. She does not know if her house is okay yet. So yes I do have something to be grateful for... I am grateful that the people I know who were directly effected by this storm system have only lost THINGS. I am grateful because THINGS can be replaced. I am grateful that they have been in touch with the people who love them most and have let them know they are safe.
I pray for healing and comfort for the people who have lost family, their homes... their everything. I pray for strength for them as they rebuild lives. My heart goes out to each and every survivor of the tornadoes that ripped apart the world today.

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